
What to teach your son about treating women

What to teach your son about treating women

When it comes to raising our children, we must remember that we are not just raising future grown-ups. We are raising little people who will grow up to interact with the world using the manners and virtues that we have brought them up with. 

Being respectful, and know how to treat women right is important to interact with the world using the manners and virtues that they were brought up with. 

These are just a handful of very important lessons in how to treat a woman right.

5 Rules For Sons On How To Treat Women

1. Treat Girls With Respect

It’s never too early to start teaching respect to our children. Just as we should demand respect as mothers, we should demand that our sons respect all women. This means speaking to girls in a way that doesn’t judge them, put them down or violate their dignity. We need to teach our boys to listen respectfully and not use language around girls that is offensive. The best indication of how our sons will treat their future girlfriends is the way they treat us. If your son treats his mama like gold, he’ll treat his future female suitors like gold too.

2. Communicate By Listening

If there’s one thing women complain about most when it comes to men, it’s probably that they don’t listen. We need to train our sons to be good listeners. When we are speaking to them, we must enforce the idea that it is disrespectful to interrupt. After we tell them something, we should ask them to repeat it back to us to make sure they heard correctly. Our sons’ future relationships will be so much stronger if we can teach them early on that good communication is all about listening to your partner’s point of view without judgment, and with fully attentive ears. 

3. Appreciate Each Girl’s Uniqueness

It’s important for your son to value every girl he meets. This lesson, when reinforced enough, will help our sons to understand that a woman’s worth goes far beyond her physical appearance. That sometimes, what makes a girl so great is what cannot be seen on the outside. Let our son to take the time to get to know girls, instead of throwing them into categories based on a physical or social element. 

4. Be A True Gentle-Man

Beyond chivalry, our son should be a gentleman in the literal sense. Speak to women kindly, treat them compassionately and always try to practice sincerity. To know that words are powerful, and that he should choose ones that will lift women up. The way we allow him to speak to us and treat us at home will play a huge role in this. So, when he uses language that is not kind, or behaves in a way that isn’t appropriate, make sure that he knows it’s not acceptable.

5. “No” Means NO

Don’t force children to hug or kiss you. The reason is because to have them to understand that no one should ever force themselves physically onto anyone else. If your son says “no” when asked for a kiss, respect his decision. You want him to do the same for the women he dates. Teach your son that when a girl says “no,” It means NO. Always. No exceptions. It doesn’t mean “maybe,” or “ask again later.” It means NO. You want your son to grow up feeling that his physical boundaries are being respected so that he can truly appreciate when a woman tells him “no” too.

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